Archive for May, 2009

New edition

26 May 2009

LettersGreenLetters Are Letters was one of our first poster, and it has sold very well at Ben Pentreath’s shop. So well, in fact, that it we have reprinted it. The first time round it was in black and red, so we made the second colour green this time.

The text is a quote from Eric Gill’s Essay on Typography, and it’s something that is central to the way we design things.

Letters Are Letters is available now in our store.

Interns on the web site

16 May 2009


We’ve updated our web site with a page about internships. Although we haven’t mentioned it here for some time, our programme is going very nicely. We have had interns with us for most of this year, and we’re currently booked up until the middle of October. Most participants are from the UK, but Johannes Languste joined us from Austria in January and this month Jeff Benjamin came over from New York state.

We get a lot of pleasure from having new people around, and an extra pair of hands around the place really helps.

New guillotine

9 May 2009

GuillotineWe upgraded our guillotine recently. The one we bought when we moved to Pinchin Street really wasn’t up to the job. Our instincts are to buy good quality tools but we were spending an awful lot at the time and the price of a decent paper cutter scared us off.

Sadly it proved to be a false economy. We can safely say that we would not recommend the Laser 66. It always seemed to have an intermittent fault that didn’t show itself when an engineer was present. Most annoyingly, it wouldn’t cut through some of the paper we use, often leaving the bottom sheet or two intact. And we soon found that we need to cut paper bigger than SRA2, its maximum size, more frequently than we thought.

Now we have a Wohlenberg 76 SPM that cuts beautifully. It’s solidly built and has an airbed, and we’re happy with it so far. There have been a couple of teething problems, one machine related and the other user error, but so far it looks like we’ve made the right choice.